Wednesday, December 11, 2013

After a REAL long break

It has been a real real long time from the time I posted any update on Navya, sorry readers.
All is well with us.  Thanks  for the emails, I decided to finally get back to blogging.

Navya is a big 5 year old  girl now (That's her line btw :) )

Navya is been doing fine. Goes to a regular pre-school, now in Jr.Kg.
Yes, we haven't taken admission to any big school yet. Time is ticking, there are hardly any options, we have started to look around now. Hoping for the best. Let's see.

Her speech has improved after we enrolled for a daycare; yeah I am still working.
Speech clarity is improving, vocabulary is increasing. She is able to communicate but speech  needs lots of push to get in to that 'big school'.

She is getting smarter day by day. Those small manipulations, those small tricks, she knows when to flash that smile and when to say please one more time.

This year we took a trip to couple of European countries and we realized this kid has no language barrier at all. She said hello, asked people their names, mingled with them as if they were buddies. I really wished I had passed on this blog link to keep connected with them
In this post I am posting few pics from our Europe Trip.

This was in Paris. Look at that bonding.

 She is attracted to babies instantly...

 This is Mia, surprisingly she could clearly understand whatever Navya spoke.
 E.g. KACHOO, in Navya's Naviglish it is THANK YOU
Another post will come on Navinglish :)

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